Launch Awards Program Recipients 2021
2021-22 Recipients
The DRN-LAP is intended for faculty of color and diversity scholars at MSU. The award supports scholars in launching new research through pilot study, creative projects of scholarly merit or the enhancement of a measure or technique. Work that benefits diverse scholars or populations will be prioritized. Collaborations across departments or colleges are also of high priority.
Learn more about the Launch Awards Program
Dr. Ashlee Barnes-Lee Dean’s Research Associate in the School of Social Work, received a LAP award for her project titled "A Multi-Stakeholder Understanding of School Discipline and Restorative Practices"
Dr. Amanda Chuan Assistant Professor in the School of Human Resources and Labor Relations, received a LAP award for her project titled "Improving Social Belonging and Social Network Formation among Women in STEM Fields"
Dr. Hanzhe Zhang Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics, received a LAP award for his project titled "Helping Female, Underrepresented Minorities and International Students via Intelligent Multidisciplinary interventions of Student Project Teams"
Dr. Ranjani Krishnan Ernest W. & Robert W. Schaberg Endowed Chair in Accounting and Information Systems, received a LAP award for her project titled "Construing the impact of Board Gender Diversity on Firm Innovation Strategies"
Dr. Vicki Johnson-Lawrence Assistant Professor in the College of Human Medicine, received a LAP award for her project titled "The Church Challenge: A Community-Based Multi Level Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial to Improve Blood Pressure and Wellness in African American Churches in Flint, Michigan"
Dr. Young Anna Argyris Assistant Professor in the College of Communication Arts and Sciences, received a LAP award for her project titled "Development of Machine-Learning Algorithm for Identifying Topics of Pro- and Anti-Vaccine Rhetoric on Social Media"