Launch Awards Program Recipients 2018
The DRN-LAP is intended for faculty of color and diversity scholars at MSU. The award is intended to aid scholars in launching new research through pilot study, creative projects of scholarly merit or the enhancement of a measure or technique. Work that benefits diverse scholars or populations will be prioritized. Collaborations across departments or colleges are also of high priority. Learn more about the Launch Awards Program
2018 - 2019 Recipients
Nwando Achebe, CSS History
Project: Viewing the Masquerade Dance from Varying Perspectives: A Visual and Audial Repository of the Nigerian-Biafran War
Project: Mapping Legacies of Trauma and of
April Baker-Bell, CAL Writing, Rhetoric, and American Cultures
Project: Early Career Black Women in Academia: From the Academic StrongBlackWoman & Mammy to Self-Preserv
Project: Proyecto Palabras Puerto Rico
Alexandra Hidalgo, CAL Writing, Rhetoric, and American Cultures
Project: The Weeping Season
Project: Immigrant professors at Michigan State University: Experiencing conflicts bet
Sidney Xu Lu, CSS, History
Project: Japanes
Michael Olabisi, CANR, Agricultural Food
Project: Trade and Employment Shocks
Maribel Santiago, College of Education, Teacher Education
Project: A National Comparative Study on Teaching Latinx Social Studies Topics
Mieka Smart, College of Human Medicine
Project: Monitoring the impact of the pending “sachet ban” alcohol policy intervention in Uganda
Kevin Walker, CNS Chemistry Edith Onyeozili Chemistry (Florida A & M Univ., Tallahassee, FL) Walker Group at Michigan State University
Project: Repurposing MIO-Aminomutase Chemistry to Make Bioactive Arylserine Stereoisomers