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DRN Accountability Program

Is peer support important to you?
Need someone to check in with? 
How about a little motivation to push that pub out?
Join the accountability partnership program!


Research indicates that having support and accountability often facilitates increases in consistent and frequent writing productivity (Scott et al., 2019; Thorpe et al., 2020).  Considering these findings, the Diversity Research Network (DRN) is launching our first Accountability Partnership Program. The central aim of the DRN Accountability Partnership Program is to provide an opportunity for MSU faculty and scholars to engage in a supportive partnership that will aid them in reaching their goals. The DRN Accountability Partnership Program emerged because we heard the voices of our DRN members who have expressed a shared interest in partnering for enhanced success. As such, this program effort remains responsive to our membership.   


Accountability Partner Guidelines (these are suggestions only, not directives)   

  • Share Project Goals/Deadlines  
  • Agreed Consistent Check-In (this could be weekly or monthly, whatever is most helpful for your agreed partnership)  
  • Encourage Weekly Writing Space Attendance (to promote project progress and to further cultivate community) 
  • Encourage DRN event participation for additional support (include DRN Calendar) 

How does it work?

  1. Once you express your interest, we will identify a potential partner from other existing submissions and contact you.
  2. You will be contacted with identifying information about your accountability partner, their desired check-in cadence, and agreed upon information that can be shared in advance.
  3. You can have more than one accountability partner, if requested.
  4. If you have identified a partner preference, please contact that individual and establish a mutual agreement ahead of applying. Each of you should select one another on the Qualtrics form in order to complete the match process.
  5. If for any reason you can no longer participate in the accountability program, we ask that you notify us so we might re-match your partner.