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DRN Archived Events

Past Events 2019 - 2021

Ford Fellowship Foundation

Date/Time: September 10, 2021 | 12:00pm-2:30pm

Location: Virtual

Preparing competitive fellowship applications is an art form in which the compilation of requested materials is only one step. The fellowship application process involves understanding the focus and content of the call, preparing competitive materials and seeking letters of support. As one of the most competitive and prestigious fellowships for underrepresented scholars, Ford’s multipart application is a prime site to begin crafting a broad array of fellowship and grant applications. Using the Ford Foundation Fellowship Program as a model, participants will be guided through the process of preparing and successfully submitting an application with insights into critical steps of the application and review process provided by a recent fellowship recipient and current applicant reviewer.

Note: While any participant can benefit from the materials presented at this workshop, we anticipate the workshop will be most beneficial for pre-doctoral researchers, post-doctoral researchers, and early career faculty.

Access the workshop presentation here: Preparing and Vetting Competitive Ford Foundation Fellowship Applications Workshop Presentation 


Conversation with Terry Curry

Date/Time: May 5, 2020 | 9:00 AM

Location: Virtual

During the Conversation with Associate Provost Terry Curry, he offered faculty from various disciplines an opportunity to understand MSU tenure and promotion processes, institutional structures supporting the system, and timing and procedures. Participants were able to express their concerns and asked informative questions about acquiring tenure at MSU.

Click here to view the Conversation with Terry Curry flyer

A Conversation with Terry Curry Presentation Overview


Researcher's Workshop 

Date/Time: January 24th, 2020 |  8:30 AM - 4:00 PM

Location: MSU Union, Ontario Room

The Researcher's Workshop offers a venue and opportunity for engaging critical issues and the unique experiences of researcher's of color and those who might engage in scholarship within diverse communities. We also offer individual grant and statistical consultations, feature speakers who discuss how to develop fundable grants. 

Click here to view Researcher's Workshop Agenda


Preparing and Vetting Competitive Ford Foundation Fellowship Applications Workshop

Ford Foundation Application Workshop

Date: Friday, September 20, 2019 | 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. (lunch will be provided)

Location: Brody Dining Hall

This workshop will use the Ford Foundation Fellowship Program as a model to guide through the process of preparing and successfully submitting an application with insights into critical steps of the application and review process provided by a recent fellowship recipient and current applicant reviewer. 

Learn More >


DRN Reception

DRN reception

Date/Time: September 25, 2019 | 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Location: Kellogg Conference Center and Hotel, Red Cedar AB

The Diversity Research Network (DRN) Reception is an annual event where members gather to engage in networking, and resource and information sharing. 

Learn More >

Past Events 2018 - 2019

Researcher's Workshop

The researcher’s workshop offers a venue and opportunity for engaging critical issues and the unique experiences of researcher’s of color and those who might engage is scholarship within diverse communities. We also offer individual grant and statistical consultations, feature speakers how to discussing how to develop fundable grants.

Researcher's workshop flyer

January 25, 2019, MSU Union (rooms Lake Huron and Lake Erie), 8am to 4pm

AGENDA: 2019 DRN Researcher's Workshop Agenda (PDF)

FLYER: DRN Researcher's Workshop Flyer

The Researcher's Workshop featured presentations and panels with prominent MSU scholars for your mentoring, learning, and support.

Topics included:

  • Preventing Shipwreck: Grant Improvement
  • Pursuing Personally-defined Success and Excellence in Context
  • Community Based Research within Communities of Color
  • Success in Collaborative Research Context

The workshop also featured one-on-one grant consultations with Tom Hollon (Office of the Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies) and statistical consultations with CSTAT.

Featured Panelists:

Farha Abbasi, Andrea Louie, Patricia Marin, Beronda Montgomery, Ike Iyioke, Kelly Brittain, Yomaira Figueroa

Preparing and Vetting Competitive Ford Foundation Fellowship Applications Workshop

Securing fellowships and grants is increasingly critical in the academic career, and often researchers do not receive the appropriate amount of feedback and advice needed to prepare dossiers. Led by Dr. Yomaira Figueroa (Ford Postdoctoral Fellow, 2017) and Dr. Beronda Montgomery (Ford Dissertation Fellow, 2000), this workshop demystified the application process for the Ford Foundation and similar fellowship-granting institutions. Preparing competitive fellowship applications is an art form in which the compilation of requested materials is only one step. The fellowship application process involves understanding the focus and content of the call, preparing competitive materials and seeking letters of support. As one of the most competitive and prestigious fellowships for underrepresented scholars, Ford’s multipart application is a prime site to begin crafting a broad array of fellowship and grant applications. Using the Ford Foundation Fellowship Program as a model, participants were guided through the process of preparing and successfully submitting an application with insights into critical steps of the application and review process provided by a recent fellowship recipient and current applicant reviewer.

Access the workshop presentation here: MSU Ford Foundation Application Workshop

Past Events 2017 - 2018

Grants Panel Webinar and Virtual Consultation

In collaboration with the National Center for Institutional Diversity (NCID) the "Grants Panel and Virtual Consultation with NIH, NSF, NIMHD, NEH Program Officers and Directors" webinar was heldTuesday, March 13, 2018  from 9:30-10:45 AM (ET).

The webinar was followed by a small group virtual consultation session from 11 AM - 12 PM. Each consultant engaged with up to twenty scholars in a private virtual forum, and scholars had the opportunity to ask more detailed questions about specific proposals.

Our objectives included supporting and facilitating faculty research across all fields, including STEM, social sciences, and the humanities.  In this forum, we hoped to provide direct information and tips relevant to funding and grant success for ethnically and racially diverse faculty and faculty who address ethnically, racially, culturally, and economically diverse populations to name a few.  

Panelists provided a range of information such as agency priorities for research, working with program officers, and training and grant opportunities with any focus on underrepresented faculty or grants that focus on diversity. 

See panelist biosketches here

Researcher's Workshop

The DRN Researcher’s Workshop convened on January 26, 2018, at the MSU Union (rooms Huron and Erie) from 8am to 4pm. This workshop featured presentations and panels with many of our prominent scholars for your mentoring, learning, and support: Instant Grant Improvement, Legacy Panel: Sustaining Success at High Levels, Developing a Resilient Academic Spirit: Navigating Imposter Syndrome and Shame, and Women in Research-Scholarship Panel: Traversing Unique Challenges. The workshop also featured consultations with grants consultant, Tom Hollon, and statistical consultations with CSTAT consultants Sarah Hession and Wenjuan Ma. 

Inaugural Year Events 2016 - 2017

Faculty Study Break

Thursday, April 20, 2017 


Jackson Lounge Wharton Center

Grants Panel Webinar with NIH, NSF, NIMHD Program officers and Directors

Monday, March 27, 2017


Grants Panel Lunch & Consultation with NIH, NSF, NIMHD Program officers and Directors

Monday, March 27, 2017


Resources from this event



Building and Sustaining A Research Platform: Perspectives of Faculty of Color

Wednesday, November 30, 2016 


Union Lake Superior Room presentations by, Drs. Beronda Montgomery, Ignacio Acevedo-Polakovich, Lisa Cook, and Farha Abbasi

Career and Mentoring Resources


Formal Launch

Thursday, October 20, 2016

4-6 pm

Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center, Centennial ABC


How to Hype Your Research

Thursday, September 15, 2016

3-5 pm

MSU Union, Lake Huron Room

Gaining visibility for research focusing on diverse and underserved populations is often a challenge. Diversity scholars can benefit from strategies in which they may apply their own agency to increase exposure for their work. Dr. Smith-Parker will be discussing strategies for using social media and other technology to promote your research and improve visibility. In addition, Dr. Smith-Parker will describe the range of her on campus consulting services and access by the DRN members.