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History of the Scholarship

Students, Faculty & Staff Create MLK Endowed Scholarship

Robert and Lettie Green, and Mark Forrest at the MLK celebration. Dr. Robert Green was the celebration keynote speaker, and Mark was co-chair of the MLK celebration committee.A major goal of The Campaign for MSU is to increase MSU’s endowment. The Martin Luther King, Jr. (MLK) Endowed Scholarship is a newly endowed scholarship that serves as an example of how MSU students and staff have worked together to make a scholarship a reality. Students provided much of the energy and legwork needed to establish the scholarship, and faculty and staff immediately responded with enthusiasm and the contributions sufficient to fulfill and surpass the $30,000 necessary to create an endowed scholarship at MSU. 

One of the primary donors to the scholarship is Venice Smith, coordinator for Multicultural Development in the Office of Affirmative Action Compliance and Monitoring. Venice has been a staff member at MSU for eleven years and had been thinking about making a significant financial commitment to MSU for some time. “When I decided to join Presidents Club, I wanted to make certain that my contribution would really mean something to students at MSU,” said Venice. “After looking at a long list of programs to which I might contribute, I learned about a new scholarship that a group of hard-working students were trying to get off the ground—the MLK Endowed Scholarship. I truly felt like this was a cause where my giving would make a difference.”

Venice Smith“What better way to share than by giving to a scholarship fund that honors a man who made his life work that of ensuring the civil rights of all people,” she added. “By contributing to the MLK Endowed Scholarship, I am helping enable a student to complete a degree at MSU. When I look at my pay stub each month and see the word ‘gift’ in the deduction column, I actually smile. It makes me feel good to know that I am playing a part in helping a student receive their education.” Then she added, “It also makes me feel like this is really my university.”


Top Photo: (left to right) Robert and Lettie Green, and Mark Forrest at the MLK celebration. Dr. Robert Green was the celebration keynote speaker, and Mark was co-chair of the MLK celebration committee.

Bottom Photo: Venice Smith poses in her office.