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Scholarship Guidelines

The scholarship is available to current full-time Michigan State University students who plan to enroll at MSU the following academic year. The scholarship is open to both undergraduate and graduate/professional students at MSU.

The scholarship application process opens every year in September and closes in February. To be eligible for consideration, all applications must be received by the February deadline.

Scholarship recipients are notified by the end of spring semester, with awards effective the following fall semester. Awards are generally credited during the tuition payment process.

The number and the amount of awards made in a given year is based upon available expendable funds.

How to Apply

In the application, students must provide a two-page typed personal statement in which they describe:

  • their student leadership and extracurricular activities
  • their involvement with social change in their communities
  • their financial need for the scholarship
  • their career goals

In addition, applicants are asked to respond to this question: “If you become a recipient of an MLK scholarship, consistent with the legacy of Dr. King, how will you contribute to communities in the future?”

Submit application online