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Creating Inclusive Excellence Grants

*Calls for 2025-26 CIEG proposals will be going out in spring 2025, with details below to be updated*

Foremost among MSU’s values is inclusivenessInclusiveness provides opportunities for learners from all backgrounds to bring their passion and talent and join a vibrant, intellectual community built on mutual respect. The MSU community has the opportunity to create synergy within and across organizational systems in support of an inclusive educational and work environment through the Creating Inclusive Excellence Grants, or CIEG, at Michigan State University funding. 

CIEG funding presents an opportunity for Colleges and Academic Units to engage in efforts that will enhance academic quality; and, through clearly articulated outcomes; demonstrably benefit students and create a more inclusive campus community for all. 

Each funding category requires evidence of support from unit or relevant administrators. Proposals will NOT be considered without the requisite evidence of support. 

Funding for CIEG Projects will be dependent on the availability of funds. If there is a change in our ability to fund projects, notice will be provided to grant recipients as soon as possible.

2024-25 Overview of funding

Deadline for submission: April 29, 2024

Creating Inclusive Excellence Grants Program Overview

For more than 50 years, Michigan State University has sought to provide central support for the recruitment, retention and advancement of faculty, staff and students who are members of underrepresented groups. While the work initially focused on meeting federal, state and local compliance regulations, it has evolved to address the following institutional priorities: increase diversity, promote inclusion, ensure equity and enhance outreach and engagement.

Since 2005, the CIEG program provides funding to colleges, as well as other academic and administrative units, individuals and groups to engage in efforts that will enhance the overall learning, living and working environment for students, faculty and staff at MSU. Proposals are welcome which aim to advance the following priorities:

  • To recruit, train and hire the most diverse and exemplary cadre of students, trainees, faculty and staff
  • To support retention, safety, well-being and promote success of members of underrepresented groups at MSU
  • To enhance the overall living, learning and working experience of members of the Spartan community
  • To bolster outreach, engagement and economic development throughout the State of Michigan and beyond

Submit proposals on Qualtrics

  • Funding Guidelines

    The CIEG program provides up to $15,000 in maximum support of single-year project proposals. Proposals that exceed this amount or are designed as multi-year projects will not be considered. 

    However, the CIEG program selection committee will favorably review single-year project proposals which request matching funds that do not exceed $15,000 if evidence of the matching fund commitment from another source is provided.

    Funding for 2024-25 CIEG projects is dependent upon available resources. Grant recipients will be notified immediately of circumstances that may delay or impede the funding of proposals. 

    There are two (2) funding categories, one for colleges, academic and administrative units, and one for individuals and groups. Each proposal requires evidence of support from the relevant unit-level administrator, supervisor or advisor. Please note that proposals will not be considered without the requisite evidence of support.

  • Funding Category 1: Colleges, academic and administrative units

    Colleges, academic and administrative units are encouraged to submit proposals that align with MSU’s mission, values and institutional priorities related to diversity, equity and inclusion, and include evidence of support from the relevant unit-level administrator, supervisor or advisor.

  • Funding Category 2: Individuals and groups

    Individual faculty, staff or students, and related groups associated with colleges, academic and administrative units are encouraged to submit proposals which align with MSU’s mission, values and institutional priorities related to diversity, equity and inclusion, and includes evidence of support from the relevant unit-level administrator, supervisor or advisor.

  • Proposal guidelines

    Proposals must not exceed six (6) pages of narrative and address the following: 

    1. Primary audience(s) or beneficiary of support
      1. Faculty, staff, student, other
    2. Project goals
      1. Explanation of the proposed activity, citing benefits and challenges, in alignment with the university’s mission, values and institutional priorities related to diversity, equity and inclusion
    3. Anticipated outcomes and impacts
    4. Plan for assessment
      1. Metrics or other measures utilized to determine overall effectiveness or success, and mechanisms for providing feedback and/or improvement
    5. Considerations for sustainability
      1. Discuss how efforts will continue and be supported beyond CIEG funding
    6. Budget and personnel

    A detailed line-item budget breakdown is required, highlighting the following:

    1. Salary and wages (where appropriate-faculty salaries, including buyouts and summer salaries, may, under certain circumstances be included in the budget for funding consideration)
    2. Equipment
    3. Supplies, services and commitment
    4. Other costs
    5. Unit match or external funding sources and amount
    6. Total FTE(s) to be hired through this project (including temporary personnel, and FTE graduate assistant (GA) or research assistant (RA)
    7. Letter(s) of support
      1. Coming from the relevant unit-level administrator, supervisor or advisor, e.g., vice president, dean, chair, director, etc.
  • Review criteria
    1. Significance – Does the proposed project address a challenge or opportunity that will make a measurable improvement in the recruitment, retention and/or advancement of members of underrepresented groups within a unit or across the institution?
    2. Collaboration – Does the proposed project involve collaboration within and/or across academic or administrative units or external partners?
    3. Outcomes and impact – What are the intended outcomes of this effort and how will best practices or results be disseminated? Could this project serve as a model for other units or the institution to adopt?
    4. Evaluation – Does the proposal identify metrics or other measures to determine overall effectiveness or success, and mechanisms for providing feedback and/or improvement?
    5. Sustainability – Are clear and feasible actions and resources identified which support the sustainability of these efforts beyond CIEG funding?
    6. Letter(s) of support – Letters of support from relevant unit-level administrators, supervisors or advisors, e.g., vice president, dean, chair, director, etc. must be provided at the time of proposal submission or the proposal will not be reviewed.
  • Directions and deadline for submission

    Proposals are due Monday, April 29, 2024, and should be submitted electronically (preferred method) Award notices will be provided in June.

    If you are not able to submit your proposal electronically, please mail completed materials, including the contact sheet, to:

    CIEG Team
    Office for Institutional Diversity and Inclusion
    426 Auditorium Road
    444 Administration Building


Contact the CIEG team at