MSU Dialogues Celebrates Growth
April 30, 2023 - Jade Richards
MSU Dialogues participants, facilitators, and MSU community members gathered to celebrate a year’s worth of community, important conversations and growth. Honored guest speakers included Jaimie Hutchison director of the WorkLife Office and Dr. Ulana Klymyshyn, former director of the multicultural programming center at Central Michigan University. Both speakers addressed the need for community care in addition to self-care as we navigate the challenges creating more equitable and inclusive living and learning spaces.
Dr. Kylmyshyn also urged attendees to consider the complicated history of inequity we share as we each work to ensure that the MSU community provides an environment where we can all be our best selves. Dr. Klymyshyn helped to found the intergroup dialogue program at CMU.
Michigan State University community partners were also celebrated in the evening including partners from the Michael and Elaine Serling Institute for Jewish Studies and Muslim Studies Program, MSU Extension, Residence Education and Hospitality Services, Spartan Resilience, Advising and College of Communication Arts and Sciences. Community partners make significant contributions to the revised program and help to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion across MSU and beyond.
For those interested in joining the MSU Dialogues community, multiple cohorts will be offered for students, staff and employees of MSU in the fall of 2023. For more information, visit MSU Dialogues or email Jade Richards,