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Institutional comparisons dashboard launches as first in a series

September 7, 2023 - Henry Mochida

chart of fall 2021 enrollment for African Americans showing MSU ranked in top 3 in the Big Ten.

Chart showing fall 2021 African American enrollment among Big Ten institutions with MSU ranked in the top 3.

In early September, MSU's Institutional Research launched an interactive institutional comparisons dashboard in alignment with the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Report and Plan. The dashboard allows comparison of 2021 federal data based on fall enrollment and employee demographics, Pell Grant recipients, student/employee comparisons and undergraduate graduation rates.

In addition, data comparisons show MSU's ranking compared to the Association of American Universities, Big Ten and Michigan public universities.

The release is the first in a series of dashboards that will be released during the academic year, including student enrollment, undergraduate student outcomes and employee overviews. Data will be updated annually based on the most recent federal data available.