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Inclusive Communications Guide Announcement

November 16, 2022

Senior leaders,

In alignment with the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Report and Plan, University Communications and the Office for Institutional Diversity and Inclusion are proud to share the Inclusive Guide.

Word choices, specificity of language and inclusive practices in various forms of communication are central components to the university’s overarching DEI approach. This guide is a resource, essential in an ever-evolving landscape.

The resource - introduced to communicators across campus - will be updated annually to ensure its relevancy, covering four initial areas: 

Developed over months of research and engagement with MSU’s content experts and stakeholders, the Inclusive Guide aligns with several MSU resources and initiatives, including the MSU Editorial Style Guide, the International Studies & Programs Globally Inclusive Language & Images Webinar Series and the Name, Gender, Sexual Identity and Pronoun Data Policy, to name a few.

With a shared commitment to advancing the university’s strategic priorities, we thank our many partners for the truly collaborative effort that recognizes the role of communications in supporting diversity, equity and inclusion in practice. 

Best regards,

Emily G. Guerrant (she/her)
Vice President and University Spokesperson

Jabbar R. Bennett (he/him)
Vice President and Chief Diversity Officer