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About the name change

January 10, 2022 - Henry Mochida

Office for Institutional Diversity and Inclusion logo

On January 17, 2022, the office will have a new name: Office for Institutional Diversity and Inclusion or IDI for short.

Historically, the name of the office has changed over time to reflect the various roles it has had at Michigan State University:

  • Equal Opportunity Programs (1968–1973)
  • Human Relations Department (1973–1992)
  • Affirmative Action Compliance and Monitoring (1992–2007)
  • Office for Inclusion and Intercultural Initiatives (2007–2021)

Currently, the office plays a key role in meeting federal, state and local compliance regulations related to student recruitment and employee hiring, as well as supplier diversity. In addition, the office helps to lead and coordinate a range of initiatives and programs that aim to increase diversity, ensure equity, promote inclusion, and advance outreach and engagement across the institution.

“We are focused—now more than ever—on advancing DEI strategic priorities at an institutional level,” said Vice President and Chief Diversity Officer Jabbar R. Bennett, PhD. “The new name anchors the office in this new directive.”

IDI partners with senior executives, faculty, staff, students, and alumni to support the safety, well-being and overall success of members of historically underrepresented and disadvantaged groups and offers a broad spectrum of educational and training opportunities which promote a culture of dignity, respect, empathy and accountability at MSU.