Register Today: César Chávez & Dolores Huerta Commemorative Celebration
February 3, 2023
Friday, March 31, 2023 at 11 a.m. at Kellogg Center
Preregistration is closed. On-site registration is available. Space is limited.
Location and additional information available.

This year’s theme is Recordando y Progresando Raices: Remembering and Progressing our Roots.
The commemorative lunch will feature keynote speaker Connie Perez-Andreesen of United Farm Workers.
Connie Perez-Andreesen is a distinguished certified public accountant who became United Farm Workers controller in 2017. She was appointed by the union’s National Executive Board as the UFW chief administrative officer in 2018. Voted national vice president at the UFW constitutional convention in November 2020.
Connie was honored by the Kern County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce as Business Woman of the year; by Hispanic Lifestyle as a Latina of Influence; by the National Latina Business Women Association in Los Angeles as a Woman of Excellence; by the Regional Hispanic Chamber of Commerce as a “Mujeres del Ano”; and by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the California Society of Certified Public Accountants as an Experienced Leader, defined as someone who has advanced to the highest level of leadership. (Read full bio as a PDF)
History of the Event
Each year, the Michigan State University, Greater Lansing, and East Lansing communities gather at MSU to honor the legacy of two of the most prominent U.S. labor leaders and civil rights activists, César E. Chávez and Dolores Huerta.
This event grows from the strength of the Latinx and farmworker communities and the allies who stand in solidarity to raise awareness of the contributions, hardships, and ongoing or newly surfaced obstacles encountered by migrant and seasonal farmworkers.
- REGISTER to attend the commemorative lunch on Friday, March 31 at 11 a.m. at the Kellogg Center in East Lansing. Location and details will be provided closer to the program date. The menu and complete programming for the lunch will be available soon.
- SPONSOR this program: The CCDH Planning Committee values its partnerships with community members. This program is a great opportunity to sustain our community engagement. A suggested donation of $1,000 will list you as a vital supporter on the MSU Chávez and Huerta website, at our events, and in our social media. Funds collected will go to help support the celebration and scholarships for MSU students. Let us continue our partnership by working together to build a community where all members can thrive. Please complete the sponsorship form by February 28, 2023.
- ADD YOUR EVENT: If your unit or department is planning an event for this year's celebration, please complete this form to be added to the compiled list of activities for this year. Details about events should be submitted as soon as possible in order to be included in event promotion.
In honor of the leadership and advocacy of César Chávez & Dolores Huerta.
Thank you for your support and participation,
2023 César E. Chávez and Dolores Huerta Planning Committee